Great Small Works members Trudi Cohen and John Bell are teaming up with Facto Teatro from Mexico City and Barbara Steinitz from Berlin to share a program of Paper Theater for venues across New England.
Facto Teatro's "Don Chico con alas" is based on a story by the Mexican writer Eraclio Zepeda. To go from one village to another Don Chico must come down the mountain, cross the jungle, then the river and up the opposite hill. He decides he needs to build himself a pair of wings and fly, to reach the sky before national holidays.
"Living Newspaper, Episode Two: Sidewalk Ballet" contemplates the life of the city, featuring Jane Jacobs, Robert Moses, a burning bush, and the sidewalk.
Where noted, "Living Newspaper" will be replaced by Great Small Works' "Lyzer the Miser." Based on a story by Isaac Bashevis Singer, clever Todie teaches greedy Lyzer a lesson about generosity.
In Facto Teatro and Steinitz's collaboration "Duraznos Azules," Pedro asks his grandmother why the peaches in her garden are blue.
In Paper Theater, also known as Toy Theater, flat paper figures evoke grand worlds, as they did centuries ago in the living rooms of European homes. Through international Toy Theater Festivals in New York and Mexico City, performances around the world, and workshops for people of all ages and persuasions, Great Small Works and Facto Teatro have been responsible for a resurgence of interest in this accessible, inexpensive form. The grandest of tales with the simplest of means! And—you can do it yourself!
Sunday, August 30, 5PM: Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, VT. FREE.
Wednesday, Sept. 2, 7:30PM: AS220, 95 Empire Street, Providence, RI. $15
Thursday, Sept. 3, 7:30PM: Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry, University of Connecticut, 1 Royce Circle, Storrs, CT.
Saturday, Sept. 5, 7:30PM: Mayo Street Arts, 10 Mayo Street, Portland, ME. $12/advance, $15/door.
Sunday, Sept. 6, 7 PM: Temple Stream Theater, Temple, ME. $10/general; $5/students and seniors; pay what you can
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 7PM: Pontine Theater, 959 Islington Street, Portsmouth, NH. $18.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 11AM and 3PM: Puppets in the Green Mountains Festival, Latchis Theater Ballroom, 50 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT. $10/general, $8/seniors and students. Bell and Cohen will present "Lyzer the Miser." http://
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 6:30 PM: Russell Library, 123 Broad Street, Middletown, CT. FREE. "Lyzer the Miser" will replace "Living Newspaper."
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 6:30 PM: Fair Haven School, 164 Grand Avenue, Fair Haven, CT. Sliding scale $5-$10, pay what you can.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 8PM: Jalopy, 313 Columbia Street, Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. $12/adults, $5/kids (Facto Teatro only with guest performance by Joseph Therrien and Sam Wilson). Tickets at the door.
Saturday, Sept. 19th, 3PM: Teatro SEA, 107 Suffolk Street, New York, NY. $20/adults, FREE/kids. (Facto Teatro only -- en espanol!)
Tour Info: 917-319-8104
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