the Great Small Works Spaghetti Dinner
is proud to present
a Late-Night Cabaret
at the first-ever International Puppet Fringe NYC Festival!
Friday, August 10, 2018
Spaghetti at 10:30PM in the outdoor Puppet Lounge
Cabaret at 11:00PM sharp
Flamboyan Theater
Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center
Lu Liu and Harrison Greene will perform music combining guitar and traditional Chinese pipa to string together two cultures and create original songs.
Jenny Romaine excerpts from
The Revival of the Uzda Grave Diggers: Part 2
Between the bundist bootmakers of Minsk and the dashing sash weavers of Slutsk, there were the Gravediggers and Gardeners of UZDA. Once a musar town in Yiddish Lite, now a sleepy shtetl in Belarus, UZDA is home to two adjacent cemeteries, one Jewish and one Muslim Tatar. This excerpt is phase 2 of project by theater director Jenny Romaine, singer/songwriter/accordionist/novelist Geoff Berner and translator Ben Kline, who followed their curiosity about the lost memories and folkways of the Gravediggers and Gardeners of UZDA and the central role of Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Pagan funeral professionals, all living together in the primeval forest for hundred and hundreds of years.
Paradox Teatro
Sofía Padilla and Davey T Steinman
In light of expanding border walls around the globe, Migraciones follows the voyage of refugees as they travel through sand, water and shadows, in search of a new home. Paradox Teatro is a collaboration between artists from México and the United States, communicating across cultures with puppetry, music, and poetry in English and Spanish.
Kathleen Kennedy Tobin
Turn Out Your Dead, New York Harbor, 1781
Sketch for Hulk and Fleet
Excerpt from work-in-progress puppet show about prison ships.
Nick Knave
Outlaw puppeteer, storyteller, horror guru – direct from San Francisco.
Funding for Spaghetti Dinners made possible in part by the Puppet Slam Network; NYC Department of Cultural Affairs; NY State Council on the Arts; Scherman Foundation; Doctorow Family Foundation; and Puffin Foundation. Thank you!
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