The Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee, in cahoots with Jews For Racial and Economic Justice, excitedly bring you "JEWS WITH THORNS: A Purimshpiel & Masquerade Ball"
Saturday, March 4th, DOORS at 7:45, SHOW at 8:30
East Midwood Jewish Center
1625 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230
>>> LA DAMA : http://
...& MORE TBA!
>>> AKYNOS :
>>> JENDOG LONEWOLF : http://
>>> IRENA KLEPFISZ : https://
EVERYTHING IS KOOKOO BANANAS! The king has stolen Purim… Every day is like night and up is down and facts are fiction. The world is drunk and can’t tell the difference between good and evil. In this moment the Aftselakhis Spectacle committee takes a tiger’s leap into the present with JEWS WITH THORNS, this year's swirlon their annual Purim Shpil and Masquerade ball based on the traditional book of Esther.
From practical matters, Aftselakhis has shaped our carnival imaginings: resistance to fascism and authoritarianism, abolition and community autonomy, and the cultures of performance connected to and between Muslim and Jewish worlds.
We seek inspiration in the writings of current and ancestral Jewish sages like Masha Gessen, Irena Klepfiscz and Walter Benjamin. And harvest beautiful and protective wisdom from the venerable ghazal poet Hafez andjustice leaders of today: Red Power Activist Madonna Thunder Hawk, Crip Hop Nations Leroy Moore, human rights and sex worker organizer Akynos “The Beast of Burlesque,” and Dilar Dirik, a Kurdish activist and scholar who writes about Rojava and other small keys that unlock enormous doors.
Our message is plain, though our shpil is ornate: You are invited to march forth! Restore the balance of society through the ancient Purim rite of dressing up! And spread the word: the things we really love are an alchemical resource for conjuring strength.
THURSDAY, March 2nd, 8:00PM
THURSDAY PERFORMANCE: Just the Purimshpiel,
a calmer experience where one can sit and hear all the words and still revel in the beauty, complexity and confusion.
Special musical guest: GEOFF BERNER
SUNDAY, March 5h
Purim for the whole family!
Dear kids, youth, parents, stewards of the resistance, lovers of delirious fun, dreamers of new worlds, and everyone else!
Purim is coming, and we invite you to a sumptuous, topsy turvy, social justice-themed, Purim carnival. Featuring a direct action parade, exquisite hand-built carnival games, Jewish music from around the world, a sock puppet Purimshpiel, food, and other delights.
12pm-1:30pm: Carnival games
12:30pm: Workmen's Circle Shule Puppetshow
1:30pm: Jews With Thorns Shpil presented by The Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee
2:30pm: Children's Purim Parade for Immigrants Rights:
Sunday, March 5th 12-3pm
East Midwood Jewish Center
(1625 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230)
$5-$15 sliding scale.
No one turned away for lack of cash or costume.
Hamentaschen and water included in admission! Additional food will be available for purchase.
EMJC is a kosher space and any outside food must be kosher.
This year's festivities are sponsored by Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ) with support from The Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee (TASC), the Workmen’s Circle, Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives! More sponsors pending!
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